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Saturday, August 4, 2007
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is a mammal of the Felidae family, one of four "big cats" in the Panthera genus. Native to the mainland of southeastern Asia, the tiger is an apex predator and the largest feline species in the world,] compara
ble in size to the biggest fossil felids. The Bengal Tiger is the most common subspecies of tiger, constituting approximately 80% of the entire tiger population, and is found in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Nepal. It is the national animal of India. An endangered species, the majority of the world's tigers now live in captivity. The tiger is solitary and territorial, preferring cover in deep forest, but also ranging in open areas. The cat hunts by stalk-and-ambush and may take a variety of mid- and large-sized prey, particularly ungulates. Males are much larger than females and have larger home ranges. Amongst the nine extant tiger subspecies, there is significant size variation.
Reproduction A female is only receptive for a few days and mating is frequent during that time period. A pair will copulate frequently and noisily, like other cats. The gestation period is 103 days and 3–4 cubs of about 1 kg (2 lb) each are born. The females rear them alone. Wandering male tigers may kill cubs to make the female receptive. At 8 weeks, the cubs are ready to follow their mother out of the den. The cubs become independent around 18 months of age, but it is not until they are around 2–2½ years old that they leave their mother. The cubs reach sexual maturity by 3–4 years of age. The female tigers generally own territory near their mother, while males tend to wander in search of territory, which they acquire by fighting and eliminating another male. Over the course of her life, a female tiger will give birth to an approximately equal number of male and female cubs. Tigers breed well in captivity, and the captive population in the United States may rival the wild population of the world.
Habitat Tigers are found in a variety of habitats, from tropical rainforests and boreal forests to dry savannas as they are found in Ranthambore National Park. Compared to the lion, the tiger prefers more dense vegetation, for which its camouflage is ideally suited, and where a single predator is not at a disadvantage compared to a pride. Among the big cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers; tigers are often found bathing in ponds, lakes, and rivers.
Hunting methods Tigers hunt alone and prefer medium to large sized herbivores. They ambush their prey as other cats do, overpowering them from any angle, using their body size and strength to knock large prey off balance. Even with their great masses, tigers can reach speeds of about 60 km/h (37 mph). Tigers prefer to bite the throats of large prey and it uses its muscled forelimbs to hold onto the prey, bringing it to the ground. The tiger remains latched onto the neck until its prey dies. With small prey, the tiger bites the nape, often breaking the spinal cord, piercing the windpipe, or severing the jugular vein or carotid artery. The prey is killed instantly. In the wild, tigers can leap as high as 5 m (16 ft) and as far as 9–10 m (30–33 ft), making them one of the highest-jumping mammals (just slightly behind cougars in jumping ability). They have been reported to carry domestic livestock weighing 50 kg (110 lb) while easily jumping over fences 2 m (6 ft 6 in) high. Their heavily muscled forelimbs are used to hold tightly onto the prey and to avoid being dislodged, especially by large prey such as gaurs. Gaurs and water buffalos weighing over a ton have been killed by tigers weighing about a sixth as much. The combination of claws and power behind a tiger's paws enables it to kill an adult human with one swipe.
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is a mammal of the Felidae family, one of four "big cats" in the Panthera genus. Native to the mainland of southeastern Asia, the tiger is an apex predator and the largest feline species in the world,] compara

Reproduction A female is only receptive for a few days and mating is frequent during that time period. A pair will copulate frequently and noisily, like other cats. The gestation period is 103 days and 3–4 cubs of about 1 kg (2 lb) each are born. The females rear them alone. Wandering male tigers may kill cubs to make the female receptive. At 8 weeks, the cubs are ready to follow their mother out of the den. The cubs become independent around 18 months of age, but it is not until they are around 2–2½ years old that they leave their mother. The cubs reach sexual maturity by 3–4 years of age. The female tigers generally own territory near their mother, while males tend to wander in search of territory, which they acquire by fighting and eliminating another male. Over the course of her life, a female tiger will give birth to an approximately equal number of male and female cubs. Tigers breed well in captivity, and the captive population in the United States may rival the wild population of the world.
Habitat Tigers are found in a variety of habitats, from tropical rainforests and boreal forests to dry savannas as they are found in Ranthambore National Park. Compared to the lion, the tiger prefers more dense vegetation, for which its camouflage is ideally suited, and where a single predator is not at a disadvantage compared to a pride. Among the big cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers; tigers are often found bathing in ponds, lakes, and rivers.
Hunting methods Tigers hunt alone and prefer medium to large sized herbivores. They ambush their prey as other cats do, overpowering them from any angle, using their body size and strength to knock large prey off balance. Even with their great masses, tigers can reach speeds of about 60 km/h (37 mph). Tigers prefer to bite the throats of large prey and it uses its muscled forelimbs to hold onto the prey, bringing it to the ground. The tiger remains latched onto the neck until its prey dies. With small prey, the tiger bites the nape, often breaking the spinal cord, piercing the windpipe, or severing the jugular vein or carotid artery. The prey is killed instantly. In the wild, tigers can leap as high as 5 m (16 ft) and as far as 9–10 m (30–33 ft), making them one of the highest-jumping mammals (just slightly behind cougars in jumping ability). They have been reported to carry domestic livestock weighing 50 kg (110 lb) while easily jumping over fences 2 m (6 ft 6 in) high. Their heavily muscled forelimbs are used to hold tightly onto the prey and to avoid being dislodged, especially by large prey such as gaurs. Gaurs and water buffalos weighing over a ton have been killed by tigers weighing about a sixth as much. The combination of claws and power behind a tiger's paws enables it to kill an adult human with one swipe.
ဘယ္သူနဲ့ ဘာပဲလုပ္လုပ္၊
အထင္လြဲစိတ္ အရမ္းမ၀င္ပါနဲ့၊
အဲသည္ အထင္လြဲစိတ္ကုိ
ကံသာလွ်င္အမိ၊ ကံသာလွ်င္အဖ
သည္တရားဧကႏၱ ၊ကံျမင့္မွျမင့္သတဲ့
ကံဆင့္မွရင့္သတဲ့၊ ကံေပးမွေဌးသတဲ့
ကံညႊန္းမွထြန္းသတဲ့၊ ကံေပၚမွေက်ာ္သတဲ့
ေမာ္လု့ိမ်ား ငါတကားလုိ့၊
၀ါၾကြားလုိ့ မေယာင္နဲ့၊
အထင္လြဲစိတ္ အရမ္းမ၀င္ပါနဲ့၊
အဲသည္ အထင္လြဲစိတ္ကုိ
ကံသာလွ်င္အမိ၊ ကံသာလွ်င္အဖ
သည္တရားဧကႏၱ ၊ကံျမင့္မွျမင့္သတဲ့
ကံဆင့္မွရင့္သတဲ့၊ ကံေပးမွေဌးသတဲ့
ကံညႊန္းမွထြန္းသတဲ့၊ ကံေပၚမွေက်ာ္သတဲ့
ေမာ္လု့ိမ်ား ငါတကားလုိ့၊
၀ါၾကြားလုိ့ မေယာင္နဲ့၊
Flamingo are gregarious wading birds in the genus Phoenicopterus and family Phoenicopteridae. They are found in both the Western and Eastern Hemispheres, but are more numerous in the latter. There are four species in the Americas while two exist in the Old World.
Flamingos filter-feed on brine shrimp. Their oddly-shaped beaks are specially adapted to separate mud and silt from the food they consume, and are uniquely used upside-down. The filtering of food items is assisted by hairy structures called lamellae which line the mandibles, and the large rough-surfaced tongue. The flamingos characterisic pink colouring is caused by the Beta carotene in their diet. The source of this varies by species, but shrimp and blue-green algae are common sources; zoo-fed flamingoes may be given food with the additive canthaxanthin, which is often also given to farmed salmon.[1]
Flamingos frequently stand on one leg. The reason for this behavior is not fully known. One common theory is that tucking one leg beneath the body may conserve body heat [2], but this has not been proven. It is often suggested that this is done in part to keep the legs from getting wet, and in addition to conserving energy. In addition to standing in the water, flamingos may stamp their webbed feet in the mud to stir up food from the bottom.
Young flamingos hatch with grey plumage, but the feathers of an adult range from light pink to bright red due to the bacteria in the water they inhabit and the pigments obtained from their food supply. A flamingo that is well-fed and healthy is vibrantly coloured bright pink and is more desirable as a mate. A white or pale flamingo, however, is usually unhealthy or suffering from a lack of food. Notable exceptions are the flamingos in captivity, many of which turn a pale pink as they are not fed foods containing sufficient amounts of carotene. This is changing as more zoos begin to add shrimp and other supplements to the diets of their flamingos. In summary, flamingos obtain their color from a shrimp-rich diet.
Flamingos produce a "milk" like pigeon milk due to the action of a hormone called prolactin (see Columbidae). It contains more fat and less protein than the latter does, and it is produced in glands lining the whole of the upper digestive tract, not just the crop. Both parents nurse their chick, and young flamingos feed on this milk, which also contains red and white blood cells, for about two months until their bills are developed enough to filter feed.
Flamingo are gregarious wading birds in the genus Phoenicopterus and family Phoenicopteridae. They are found in both the Western and Eastern Hemispheres, but are more numerous in the latter. There are four species in the Americas while two exist in the Old World.
Flamingos filter-feed on brine shrimp. Their oddly-shaped beaks are specially adapted to separate mud and silt from the food they consume, and are uniquely used upside-down. The filtering of food items is assisted by hairy structures called lamellae which line the mandibles, and the large rough-surfaced tongue. The flamingos characterisic pink colouring is caused by the Beta carotene in their diet. The source of this varies by species, but shrimp and blue-green algae are common sources; zoo-fed flamingoes may be given food with the additive canthaxanthin, which is often also given to farmed salmon.[1]
Flamingos frequently stand on one leg. The reason for this behavior is not fully known. One common theory is that tucking one leg beneath the body may conserve body heat [2], but this has not been proven. It is often suggested that this is done in part to keep the legs from getting wet, and in addition to conserving energy. In addition to standing in the water, flamingos may stamp their webbed feet in the mud to stir up food from the bottom.
Young flamingos hatch with grey plumage, but the feathers of an adult range from light pink to bright red due to the bacteria in the water they inhabit and the pigments obtained from their food supply. A flamingo that is well-fed and healthy is vibrantly coloured bright pink and is more desirable as a mate. A white or pale flamingo, however, is usually unhealthy or suffering from a lack of food. Notable exceptions are the flamingos in captivity, many of which turn a pale pink as they are not fed foods containing sufficient amounts of carotene. This is changing as more zoos begin to add shrimp and other supplements to the diets of their flamingos. In summary, flamingos obtain their color from a shrimp-rich diet.
Flamingos produce a "milk" like pigeon milk due to the action of a hormone called prolactin (see Columbidae). It contains more fat and less protein than the latter does, and it is produced in glands lining the whole of the upper digestive tract, not just the crop. Both parents nurse their chick, and young flamingos feed on this milk, which also contains red and white blood cells, for about two months until their bills are developed enough to filter feed.
The term hawk refers to birds of prey in any of three senses:
* Strictly, to mean any of the species in the bird sub-family Accipitrinae in the genera Accipiter, Micronisus, Melierax, Urotriorchis, and Megatriorchis. The large and widespread Accipiter genus includes goshawks,
sparrowhawks , the Sharp-shinned Hawk and others. They are mainly woodland birds that hunt by sudden dashes from a concealed perch. They usually have long tails and high visual acuity.
* More generally, to mean small to medium-sized birds that are members of the Accipitridae, the family which includes
the true hawks (Accipiters) and also eagles, kites, harriers
, buzzards, and Old World vultures.
* Loosely, to mean almost any bird of prey.
The common names of birds in various parts of the world often use hawk loosely. For example, in North America, the Buteos are called "hawks".
In February 2005 the Canadian scientist Dr Louis Lefebvre announced a method of measuring avian IQ in terms of their innovation in feeding habits. Hawks were named among the most intelligent birds based on this scale.
Hawks are believed to have vision as good as 20/2, about eight times more acute than humans with good eyesight. This is because of many photoreceptors in the retina (Up to 1,000,000 per square mm, against 200,000 for humans), a very high number of nerves connecting the receptors to the brain, a second set of eye muscles not found in other animals, and an indented fovea, which magnifies the central part of the visual field.
The term hawk refers to birds of prey in any of three senses:
* Strictly, to mean any of the species in the bird sub-family Accipitrinae in the genera Accipiter, Micronisus, Melierax, Urotriorchis, and Megatriorchis. The large and widespread Accipiter genus includes goshawks,

* More generally, to mean small to medium-sized birds that are members of the Accipitridae, the family which includes

* Loosely, to mean almost any bird of prey.
The common names of birds in various parts of the world often use hawk loosely. For example, in North America, the Buteos are called "hawks".
In February 2005 the Canadian scientist Dr Louis Lefebvre announced a method of measuring avian IQ in terms of their innovation in feeding habits. Hawks were named among the most intelligent birds based on this scale.
Hawks are believed to have vision as good as 20/2, about eight times more acute than humans with good eyesight. This is because of many photoreceptors in the retina (Up to 1,000,000 per square mm, against 200,000 for humans), a very high number of nerves connecting the receptors to the brain, a second set of eye muscles not found in other animals, and an indented fovea, which magnifies the central part of the visual field.
Bagan , formerly Pagan, formally titled Arimaddanapura (the City of the Enemy Crusher) and also known as Tambadipa (the Land of Copper) or Tassadessa (the Parched Land), was the ancient capital of several ancient kingdoms in Myanmar. It is located in the dry central plains of the country, on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwady River, 145 kilometres (90 miles) southwest of Mandalay.
Cultural sites The Payathonzu Temple is built in the Mon style. Temples in Pagan.Ananda Temple, c.1090, built by Kyanzittha Bupaya Pagoda, c.850, demolished by the 1975 earthquake and completely rebuilt Dhammayangyi Temple, c.1165, the biggest temple in Bagan, built by Alaungsithu but never finished Dhammayazika Pagoda, 1196-98, built by Narapatisithu (Sithu II) Gawdawpalin Temple, started by Narapatisithu and finished by Nandaungmya, the superstructure destroyed by the 1975 quake and rebuilt Htilominlo Temple, 1218, built by Htilominlo Lawkananda Pagoda, built by Anawrahta Mahabodhi Temple, Bagan, c. 1218, a smaller replica of the temple in Bodh Gaya, India Manuha Temple, built by the captive Mon king Manuha Mingalazedi Pagoda, 1268-74, built by Narathihapate Myazedi inscription, c. 1113, described as the "Rosetta Stone of Myanmar" with inscriptions in four languages: Pyu, Mon, Old Burmese and Pali, dedicated to Gubyaukgyi Temple by Prince Rajakumar, son of Kyanzittha Nanpaya Temple, c.1060-70, Mon style, believed to be either Manuha's old residence or built on the site Nathlaung Kyaung Temple, mid 11th.C., Hindu deities "confined" to this temple Payathonzu Temple, probably around 1200 Sein-nyet Ama & Nyima (temple and pagoda, 13th century) Shwegugyi Temple, 1131, built by Alaungsithu and where he died Shwesandaw Pagoda, c.1070, built by Anawrahta Shwezigon Pagoda, 1102, built by Anawrahta, finished by Kyanzittha Sulamani Temple, 1183, built by Narapatisithu Tan-chi-daung Paya, on the west bank, built by Anawrahta Tharabha Gate, c.850, built by King Pyinbya Thatbyinnyu Temple, the tallest temple at 61 metres, 12th century, built by Alaungsithu Tu-ywin-daung Paya, on the eastern boundary of Bagan, built by Anawrahta
HistoryMain article: Pagan KingdomThe ruins of Bagan cover an area of 16 square miles. The majority of its buildings were built in the 1000s to 1200s, during the time Bagan was the capital of the First Burmese Empire. It was not until King Pyinbya moved the capital to Bagan in 874 A.D that it became a major city. However, in Burmese tradition, the capital shifted with each reign, and thus Bagan was once again abandoned until the reign of Anawrahta. In 1057, King Anawrahta conquered the Mon capital of Thaton, and brought back the Tripitaka Pali scriptures, Buddhist monks and craftsmen and all of these were made good use of in order to transform Bagan into a religious and cultural centre. With the help of a monk from Lower Burma, Anawrahta made Theravada Buddhism a kind of state religion, and the king also established contacts with Sri Lanka. In the 12th and 13th centuries, Bagan became a truly cosmopolitan centre of Buddhist studies, attracting monks and students from as far as India, Sri Lanka as well as the Thai and Khmer kingdoms. In 1287, the kingdom fell to the Mongols, after refusing to pay tribute to Kublai Khan. Abandoned by the Burmese king and perhaps sacked by the Mongols, the city declined as a political centre, but continued to florish as a place of Buddhist scholarship.
Bagan , formerly Pagan, formally titled Arimaddanapura (the City of the Enemy Crusher) and also known as Tambadipa (the Land of Copper) or Tassadessa (the Parched Land), was the ancient capital of several ancient kingdoms in Myanmar. It is located in the dry central plains of the country, on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwady River, 145 kilometres (90 miles) southwest of Mandalay.
Cultural sites The Payathonzu Temple is built in the Mon style. Temples in Pagan.Ananda Temple, c.1090, built by Kyanzittha Bupaya Pagoda, c.850, demolished by the 1975 earthquake and completely rebuilt Dhammayangyi Temple, c.1165, the biggest temple in Bagan, built by Alaungsithu but never finished Dhammayazika Pagoda, 1196-98, built by Narapatisithu (Sithu II) Gawdawpalin Temple, started by Narapatisithu and finished by Nandaungmya, the superstructure destroyed by the 1975 quake and rebuilt Htilominlo Temple, 1218, built by Htilominlo Lawkananda Pagoda, built by Anawrahta Mahabodhi Temple, Bagan, c. 1218, a smaller replica of the temple in Bodh Gaya, India Manuha Temple, built by the captive Mon king Manuha Mingalazedi Pagoda, 1268-74, built by Narathihapate Myazedi inscription, c. 1113, described as the "Rosetta Stone of Myanmar" with inscriptions in four languages: Pyu, Mon, Old Burmese and Pali, dedicated to Gubyaukgyi Temple by Prince Rajakumar, son of Kyanzittha Nanpaya Temple, c.1060-70, Mon style, believed to be either Manuha's old residence or built on the site Nathlaung Kyaung Temple, mid 11th.C., Hindu deities "confined" to this temple Payathonzu Temple, probably around 1200 Sein-nyet Ama & Nyima (temple and pagoda, 13th century) Shwegugyi Temple, 1131, built by Alaungsithu and where he died Shwesandaw Pagoda, c.1070, built by Anawrahta Shwezigon Pagoda, 1102, built by Anawrahta, finished by Kyanzittha Sulamani Temple, 1183, built by Narapatisithu Tan-chi-daung Paya, on the west bank, built by Anawrahta Tharabha Gate, c.850, built by King Pyinbya Thatbyinnyu Temple, the tallest temple at 61 metres, 12th century, built by Alaungsithu Tu-ywin-daung Paya, on the eastern boundary of Bagan, built by Anawrahta
HistoryMain article: Pagan KingdomThe ruins of Bagan cover an area of 16 square miles. The majority of its buildings were built in the 1000s to 1200s, during the time Bagan was the capital of the First Burmese Empire. It was not until King Pyinbya moved the capital to Bagan in 874 A.D that it became a major city. However, in Burmese tradition, the capital shifted with each reign, and thus Bagan was once again abandoned until the reign of Anawrahta. In 1057, King Anawrahta conquered the Mon capital of Thaton, and brought back the Tripitaka Pali scriptures, Buddhist monks and craftsmen and all of these were made good use of in order to transform Bagan into a religious and cultural centre. With the help of a monk from Lower Burma, Anawrahta made Theravada Buddhism a kind of state religion, and the king also established contacts with Sri Lanka. In the 12th and 13th centuries, Bagan became a truly cosmopolitan centre of Buddhist studies, attracting monks and students from as far as India, Sri Lanka as well as the Thai and Khmer kingdoms. In 1287, the kingdom fell to the Mongols, after refusing to pay tribute to Kublai Khan. Abandoned by the Burmese king and perhaps sacked by the Mongols, the city declined as a political centre, but continued to florish as a place of Buddhist scholarship.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thadingyut [September / October ]
Thadingyut is the seventh Myanmar month in [September-October] towards
the end of rainy season. Lord Gautama Buddha preached The Abhidamma t
o His reincarnated mother in Tavatimsa , abode of celestial beings for three Lenten months and returned to the abode of men on the full- moon day of Thadingyut . The King of the celestials created three stairways, gold, silver and ruby for him. Buddha took the middle ruby stairways radiating six hues of aura. The celestials came along by the right gold stairways and the brahmas by the left silver stairways.
On account of that, Myanmar Buddhists celebrate Tavatimsa Festival on the full-moon day of Thadingyut by lighting multi-colored illuminations. For the Sangha it is the time known as Pawayana, which means inviting, entreating, urging. In practice, since the times of the Buddha, it is to beg on other monks for forgiveness of any deed that might have displeased any other among Sangha. Like wise, there is also the practice among the laity of paying obeisance to parents and elders.
A season of lighting Festival
The festival is small towns and villages are more enjoyable than in cities. In small towns, there are small earthen saucers filled with sesamum oil where pieces of cotton are used as wicks. People collect donations for charity, decoration and entertainment purposes. Roads and streets are full with amateur dancing groups, music troupes, stalls and spectators for free entertainment.
On the festival day, groups of young people and children can be seen walking with candles and gifts in their hands to pay respect elders. In Myanmar we call Kadaw, actually it is more than paying respects or doing obeisance. For the Buddhist, the Buddha, His law, His Order of the Sangha, Parents and Teachers are the first to be reserved, next come those who are older and those to whom we owe gratitude.
A month of Weddings Lovers welcome this season, because marriages are tabooed during the Buddhist lent, perhaps this customs is a bit conservative, but weddings during the lent are really rare. It is more fun to begin one's married life amidst festivities. Thadingyut, therefore, is not only replete with festivities, but also an auspious Myanma custom of remembering gratitude.
A season of Love and Forgiveness
The custom of paying respect [Kadaw] is rooted in the Buddhist acceptance of the samsra. The round of being born and reborn; all beings, human and all go round meeting one another in amicable relationships or otherwise; there would be hate and enmity as well. There are surely wrongful actions committed consciously or unconsciously to one another in this present life. The elders not merely receive the respects, in their turns, ask forgiveness of the young people for any wrongful action they might have done in thought, word or deed.
Thadingyut is the seventh Myanmar month in [September-October] towards

On account of that, Myanmar Buddhists celebrate Tavatimsa Festival on the full-moon day of Thadingyut by lighting multi-colored illuminations. For the Sangha it is the time known as Pawayana, which means inviting, entreating, urging. In practice, since the times of the Buddha, it is to beg on other monks for forgiveness of any deed that might have displeased any other among Sangha. Like wise, there is also the practice among the laity of paying obeisance to parents and elders.
A season of lighting Festival
The festival is small towns and villages are more enjoyable than in cities. In small towns, there are small earthen saucers filled with sesamum oil where pieces of cotton are used as wicks. People collect donations for charity, decoration and entertainment purposes. Roads and streets are full with amateur dancing groups, music troupes, stalls and spectators for free entertainment.
On the festival day, groups of young people and children can be seen walking with candles and gifts in their hands to pay respect elders. In Myanmar we call Kadaw, actually it is more than paying respects or doing obeisance. For the Buddhist, the Buddha, His law, His Order of the Sangha, Parents and Teachers are the first to be reserved, next come those who are older and those to whom we owe gratitude.
A month of Weddings Lovers welcome this season, because marriages are tabooed during the Buddhist lent, perhaps this customs is a bit conservative, but weddings during the lent are really rare. It is more fun to begin one's married life amidst festivities. Thadingyut, therefore, is not only replete with festivities, but also an auspious Myanma custom of remembering gratitude.
A season of Love and Forgiveness
The custom of paying respect [Kadaw] is rooted in the Buddhist acceptance of the samsra. The round of being born and reborn; all beings, human and all go round meeting one another in amicable relationships or otherwise; there would be hate and enmity as well. There are surely wrongful actions committed consciously or unconsciously to one another in this present life. The elders not merely receive the respects, in their turns, ask forgiveness of the young people for any wrongful action they might have done in thought, word or deed.
Everything is better since you.
I believe in things I once did
but had lost, as I had become
lost and disillusioned,
but now I remember thoughts and emotions
once forgotten and scorned.
You came into my life and
lifted me higher than I'd ever known,
you gave me back my dreams, my hopes, my self,
you made me realize all I knew
love and life should be.
I can barely contain these
intense, deep, overwhelming
surges of emotion that
wash over me in endless waves.
I truly am in the celestial clouds with you.
You make me feel good about
myself, this world, this life,
I feel alive again,
I feel passion again.
I am standing on a cloud with stars in my eyes
and heaven in my heart.
You are all I knew love could ever be.
A Story From the Heart
I once heard a story straight from the heart
About a girl and how her world began to fall apart
It all started when she met the boy that made her life complete
Just thinking of him made her heart skip a beat
They were the couple everyone wanted to be
There were no imperfections as either one could see
As the weeks passed they fell more in love and were less aware
Of how often life turns out to be unfair
Until one day she finally gave in
She realized there was no way she could win
She said I'm sorry but i have to let you go
As he reached for her hand she pulled away whispering no
When she turned around a tear slid down her cheek
He just stood there speechless, forgetting how to speak
The next few days were the hardest at home
She truly felt she was all alone
Her mom pushed in her face how she had won
Her dad said "i knew he was just another one"
Her sister said "come on you'll be ok"
And her brother just tried to stay away
At school it was like her friends weren't even there
None of them seemed to really care
Her life had no more color, just black and white
Even getting out of bed turned into a fight
Despite their tries things just weren't like before
Then he decided "i don't wanna try anymore"
At that she tried to cut him out
But the more she ignored him the more her feelings began to shout
When she saw him that day she could no longer just walk by
And before she knew it her mouth opened up and out came "hi"
He looked up and said "so now we're talking?"
She just smiled and join his walking
Everyday they talked a little more
And everyday she began to like him a little less then before
As the months passed by she became more and more aware
About how its ok life's unfair
Because eventually everything becomes your past
But your memories will always last
And with that i hope you see
Not all love is meant to be
But hold on and don't give in
Stand tall, hold up your chin
And believe me when i say
The right one will come one day
He'll open your eyes to things you couldn't ever see
I know this because..this is a story all about me...
Everything is better since you.
I believe in things I once did
but had lost, as I had become
lost and disillusioned,
but now I remember thoughts and emotions
once forgotten and scorned.
You came into my life and
lifted me higher than I'd ever known,
you gave me back my dreams, my hopes, my self,
you made me realize all I knew
love and life should be.
I can barely contain these
intense, deep, overwhelming
surges of emotion that
wash over me in endless waves.
I truly am in the celestial clouds with you.
You make me feel good about
myself, this world, this life,
I feel alive again,
I feel passion again.
I am standing on a cloud with stars in my eyes
and heaven in my heart.
You are all I knew love could ever be.
A Story From the Heart
I once heard a story straight from the heart
About a girl and how her world began to fall apart
It all started when she met the boy that made her life complete
Just thinking of him made her heart skip a beat
They were the couple everyone wanted to be
There were no imperfections as either one could see
As the weeks passed they fell more in love and were less aware
Of how often life turns out to be unfair
Until one day she finally gave in
She realized there was no way she could win
She said I'm sorry but i have to let you go
As he reached for her hand she pulled away whispering no
When she turned around a tear slid down her cheek
He just stood there speechless, forgetting how to speak
The next few days were the hardest at home
She truly felt she was all alone
Her mom pushed in her face how she had won
Her dad said "i knew he was just another one"
Her sister said "come on you'll be ok"
And her brother just tried to stay away
At school it was like her friends weren't even there
None of them seemed to really care
Her life had no more color, just black and white
Even getting out of bed turned into a fight
Despite their tries things just weren't like before
Then he decided "i don't wanna try anymore"
At that she tried to cut him out
But the more she ignored him the more her feelings began to shout
When she saw him that day she could no longer just walk by
And before she knew it her mouth opened up and out came "hi"
He looked up and said "so now we're talking?"
She just smiled and join his walking
Everyday they talked a little more
And everyday she began to like him a little less then before
As the months passed by she became more and more aware
About how its ok life's unfair
Because eventually everything becomes your past
But your memories will always last
And with that i hope you see
Not all love is meant to be
But hold on and don't give in
Stand tall, hold up your chin
And believe me when i say
The right one will come one day
He'll open your eyes to things you couldn't ever see
I know this because..this is a story all about me...
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007

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